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Dog Community App.

Chillba  is a case study, based on Apple's Air Tag that is  attached  to the  dog's collar

The application was conceived out of a personal need, from the difficulty I experience as the owner of dogs in a crowded city.



The app creats a neighborhood dog community, where users can get notificated about their dog's freinds or chillbas ( the ones that the dog hates) around him\her, when out on a walk.


Sign up Air Tag info.

On this screen, the app syncs the details of the Air Tag with the user's Apple ID.


Sign Up Dog

Here the user fills in his\her dog information and uploads a picture

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Home Screen

The user can see the dogs that

are currently roaming in the neighborhood, define them as

friends or Chillba and navigate

to other screens.

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The user can search for the neihborhood dogs according to various parameters.

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To get to the playground screen, the user has to select first the current playground from the map.

On playground screen you can see

live who is on the playground, what facilities are there.

There is also a bulletin board where the dog's owner can leave messages to each others.

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Chillba Alert

The map screen pops up when the user is on a walk and approach a dog that he\she defined as a Chillba.

The black screen pops up when the phone is locked.

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